Global Asset Allocation
BCA Research's portfolio construction service, advising CIOs and asset allocation teams on the optimum way to structure a global multi-asset portfolio.
on all major assets
A "one-stop shop"
for BCA Research's across-the-board views, with inputs from all our specialists, from energy to US fixed income, from China to geopolitics
of both Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) and Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA)
GAA can become part of your investment process
we often call into clients' investment committees, trustee meetings, or the allocation team's monthly discussion
Regular conference calls with the GAA team
to stress-test your views, cover the latest macro data, and discuss market pricing

What is included

Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) Reports
Our Monthly TAA reports cover our 6-12 month view for all major asset classes. Quarterly TAA reports go into more depth and answer common client questions. We cover the risk-reward profile of every asset, considering both the macro backdrop and market pricing. We also take a holistic portfolio view, recommending hedges against the more salient risk to our view.

Special Strategic Asset Allocation Reports (SAA)
We write 10-12 reports a year on SAA topics. Our coverage includes topics such as factor investing, dilution, sector vs country effects, inflation hedging, safe havens, tail risk strategies, and rebalancing. Every year we also update our Capital Market Assumptions, which provide expected returns, volatility, and correlation estimates for all major asset classes for the next decade.

Client Interaction
We can tailor calls and visits, review your portfolio against the BCA view and/or act as a sounding board for your allocation issues. We can help tackle the big asset allocations questions your team is struggling with, tailoring our approach to your specific goals and constraints.

Quarterly Webcasts
Presentations and roundtable discussions showcasing latest research with lively Q&A.