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Geopolitical Strategy

Matt Gertken, PhD

Chief Strategist

Matt is BCA Research’s Chief Strategist, Geopolitical Strategy and US Political Strategy. He oversees the firm’s coverage of market-relevant policy developments across the world. He has 18 years’ experience in the field and appears frequently in global news media. Prior to joining BCA in 2015, Matt worked as a Senior Analyst at STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting) and in a range of academic and publishing roles. Matt holds an MPhil from the University of Cambridge and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.


Geopolitical Strategy

BCA’s Geopolitical Strategy service provides market-relevant, data-driven, non-partisan, macroeconomic research with geopolitical risk analysis resulting in discretionary trade recommendations for global investors.

Find out more and challenge your investment decisions with our Geopolitical Strategy

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